Browse Articles By Tag: buying a home
You've got a lot to learn before buying your first home; the following tips are an excellent place to start! 1. Research home prices in the area. You may fall in love with a particular home or really have your heart set on one neighborhood, however; it's important to...
13.10.2013 · From DaveGuthrie
If you are looking to purchase real estate, you know that it is a huge decision, but there are ways to make a sensible real estate purchase in any market. Use the suggestions below to create your own list of best practices when purchasing real estate. (...)
13.10.2013 · From DaveGuthrie
If you're looking to purchase real estate, you've likely come across the term "as is." Use the suggestions below to make sure that you protect yourself from an "as is" clause. You should always consult with an attorney before signing any agreement for the purchase of...
12.10.2013 · From DaveGuthrie
Different life events might leave you considering downsizing. Use the suggestions below to begin your consideration of whether or not you should downsize by purchasing a smaller home. If your children are grown and you have many empty rooms you might decide it's time...
10.10.2013 · From DaveGuthrie
When you are looking for a new home, there are a few things you should know about the process. While it may seem as simple as picking a house you love and paying for it, there is a lot more involved. (...)
06.10.2013 · From DaveGuthrie
Buying a home is a big decision. People usually think about it for a long time before they finally make the decision to buy one. This is a long-term commitment because it requires a lot of financial planning to make it work. (...)
30.09.2013 · From DaveGuthrie
If the time is right to buy your first home, having some solid information on your side can help. This article is a collection of valuable tips, provided by industry experts, that can help to simplify the home buying process. (...)
24.09.2013 · From DaveGuthrie
When you are considering the purchase of a home, you must take a few select steps to ensure that everything goes smoothly. There is no need to jump to conclusions or get impatient and reckless with such a major investment. You want to make the right moves. (...)
23.09.2013 · From DaveGuthrie
Buying a house is a very stressful situation. While there is thrill and excitement involved at the thought of owning your home home, there are many things that can throw a monkey wrench in your plans. (...)
21.09.2013 · From DaveGuthrie
For many people, buying a home is the largest financial transaction they'll ever make. It's obviously an important decision, and it's not one you should make lightly. To make sure that you protect your personal finances, you should prepare yourself thoroughly and...
21.09.2013 · From DaveGuthrie
It is quite difficult to buy a home if your credit rating is not ideal, but that does not mean that it is impossible. While the process may be a bit arduous, at the end you will be the proud owner of a new home. (...)
19.09.2013 · From DaveGuthrie
Buying a home is very expensive, especially when you do not take the time to negotiate the price. Every seller is not the same, so keep in mind that a lot of them are more than willing to work with you. (...)
19.09.2013 · From DaveGuthrie
Do you want to jump into the real estate market? Do you want to invest in something which will bring great returns? Would you like to move into your dream home? Regardless of your intent, buying real estate can be tricky. (...)
18.09.2013 · From DaveGuthrie
Buying a home is probably the largest and most important purchase you will make in your lifetime. It is essential that you avoid making any of the possible mistakes during this process by carefully following the guidelines in this article. (...)
18.09.2013 · From DaveGuthrie
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